a painter & a poet: conversations in colour


Publication 8 September 2023
Orders will be fulfilled upon publication in September


  • Includes conversations between artist and poet about their experience of working in their different media, in which they discuss sources of inspiration, the process that surrounds the making of their work and the limitations and possibilities of working in paint and with language. Painter and poet also reflect on the collaborative aspect of the project.
  • The accompanying exhibition will coincide with the beginning of the St Ives Festival which takes place from 9 to 24 September, 2023.
  • The exhibition will be at two sites: the Borlase Smart Room, Back Road West, St Ives, TR26 1NG, where there will be poetry readings by Sue Leigh from 9 to 14 September, and Belgrave St Ives Gallery, TR26 3BB, 9 to 24 September

255 x 210mm
72 pages / softback
ISBN: 978-1-915670-06-9

Categories: , , ,


This beautiful book, of paintings by Alice Mumford and poems by Sue Leigh, brings together exciting new work from the two makers. Collaboration is perhaps not the right word for a project in which paintings and poems sit side by side, each illuminating the other. Onlooker and reader are offered another glimpse, another view which may change the experience of looking and reading.

The book includes conversations between painter and poet in which they discuss their experience of working in their different media and consider the limitations and possibilities of each. They talk about their sources of inspiration, how they might choose a subject (or does it choose them?), and the process that surrounds the making of their work. What do they share in their creative lives and how do they differ?

The work of these two contemporary artists celebrates the intimacy and beauty that can be found in our everyday lives.


About the poet:
Sue Leigh’s second collection of poems, Her Orchards, was published by Two Rivers Press in 2021. Her first book, Chosen Hill, was described by the TLS as ‘an intelligent and considered collection that pays homage to the act of paying attention’. A pamphlet, Chalk, was published recently by Evergreen Press.
She teaches at Oxford and runs her own poetry courses. She lives in the Windrush valley.